15:00 - 16:30
タイトル:数理科学談話会(特別企画) 企業の連鎖デフォルトの確率の推定
講演者:守 真太郎 氏 (北里大学理学部物理学科)
1.Correlated Binomial Model and Correlation Structures, J Phys.A:Math.Gen.39(2006)15365-15378.
2.Default Distribution and Credit Market Implications, http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0609093.
会場:理学部A棟4階 数理自然情報合同研究室

15:15 - 14:15
タイトル:Local and global in time regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded domains
講演者:Reinhard Farwig 氏 (Darmstadt University of Technology)
世話人:谷内 靖 氏
会場:理学部A棟4階 数理自然情報合同研究室

15:00 - 16:00
タイトル:On a characterization of association schemes by intersection numbers
講演者:Ilia Ponomarenko 氏 (ステクロフ数学研究所)
  We start with some examples in which association schemes arise in a natural way from groups, graphs and projective planes. Each time we are interested in finding an easily computed set of invariants which determine the original object up to isomorphism in the corresponding category. In many cases as such invariants one can take intersection numbers of the resulting association scheme. This is illustrated with relevant recent results in theory of association schemes.
世話人:花木 章秀 氏
会場:理学部A棟4階 数理自然情報合同研究室

15:00 - 16:00
タイトル:Cluster tilting for one-dimensional hypersurface singularities
講演者:伊山 修 氏 (名古屋大学)
  This is a joint work with I. Burban, B. Keller and I. Reiten. We consider certain 2-Calabi-Yau triangulated categories having cluster tilting objects. Let R=k[[x,y]]/(f) (f ∈ (x,y)) be a one-dimensional reduced hypersurface singularity over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Then the stable category C:= CM R of maximal Cohen-Macaulay R-modules forms a 2-Calabi-Yau triangulated category. We show that, if f is a product f1f2…fn of power series satisfying fi ∈ (x,y)\(x,y)2, then C has exactly (n!) cluster tilting objects and exactly (2n-2) indecomposable rigid objects. By a result in birational geometry, the converse is also true, i.e. C contains a cluster tilting object if and only if f has the above form.
世話人:西田 憲司氏,高橋 亮氏
会場:理学部A棟4階 数理自然情報合同研究室

15:00 - 16:00
タイトル:How to detect finiteness of Gorenstein homological dimensions
講演者:Lars Winther Christensen 氏 (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  It is a maxim in ring theory that understanding a ring is tantamount to understanding its modules.
One way of analyzing a given module is to approximate it by modules that are already well-understood. This idea leads to the concept of homological dimensions. A classical example is approximation by free modules, which leads to the concept of projective dimension.
 A module has finite homological dimension if an approximation can be achieved in finitely many steps; experience shows that such modules have special properties. Hence, it becomes important to detect if a given module has finite homological dimension, possibly without having to construct an approximation. Experience points to vanishing of (co)homology as a detection mechanism.
 For a family of dimensions, known as Gorenstein homological dimensions, such an alternative way to detect finiteness has long been sought.
 I will survey the background for this problem and describe a solution that works for the rings encountered in algebraic geometry.
世話人:高橋 亮 氏
会場:理学部A棟4階 数理自然情報合同研究室