List of Recent Talks(学会・セミナー発表)

(Date:YYYY-MM-DD, Place, Seminar Title, [Title of Talk])
  1. 20240913, 信州大学, 2024夏の作用素論シンポジウム, [双極子近似の Pauli-Fierz 模型の基底状態の解析性について]
  2. 20240903, 大阪大学, 日本数学会2024年度秋季総合分科会, [対相互作用模型の基底状態の正則性について]
  3. 20240827, 北海道大学, 札幌数理物理研究集会「新井朝雄先生 古希記念」, [新井朝雄先生 古希記念]
  4. 20240317, 大阪公立大学, 日本数学会2024年度年会, [対相互作用模型の基底状態の収束半径について]
  5. 20231208, Kyoto University, 作用素論セミナー, [対相互作用模型の対角化とその解析について]
  6. 202309, Tohoku University, 日本数学会2023年度秋季総合分科会, [対相互作用模型の散乱理論について]
  7. 20230315, Chuo University, 日本数学会2023年度年会, [Analyticity of the ground state for the pair interaction model]
  8. 20230209, Kyushu University, Kyushu University Mathematical Physics Seminar, [Bogoliubov変換による対相互作用模型の対角化]
  9. 20230118, RIMS, 2022 RIMS Mathematical aspects of quantum fields and related topics, [Analyticity of the ground state in the pair interaction model]
  10. 20221210, Shinshu University, H60「廣川先生ご還暦記念研究会」 [準相対論的Pauli-Fierz模型の基底状態の存在と廣川の方法について]
  11. 20221107, Hokkaido University, Non-Commutative Probability and Related Topics 2022, [Bogoliubov transformation and the pair interaction model]
  12. 20220913, Hokkaido University, 日本数学会2022年度秋季総合分科会, [A general theory of diagonalization by Bogoliubov transformations]
  13. 20220723, Kyushu University(IMI), 時間・量子測定・準古典近似の理論と実験〜古典論と量子論の境界, [量子ウォークの時間作用素について]
  14. 20210309, Kyoto University(RIMS), 量子場の数理とその周辺(Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Fields and Related Topics), [Diagonalization of pair interaction models and ground state energies], with Kyosuke Usami(speaker)
  15. 20190626, Kyoto University(RIMS), 量子場の数理とその周辺(Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Fields and Related Topics), [Regular Bogoliubov transformations]
  16. 20190307, Hokkaido University, 新井朝雄先生退職記念研究集会(Retirement conference of Prof. Asao Arai), [準相対論的Pauli-Fierzモデルにおける粒子の束縛について]
  17. 20181220, Kyoto University, RIMS conference: Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics, [On the spectral analysis of the semi-relativistic Pauli–Fierz model]
  18. 20181031, Piazza Omi, The 16th Linear and Nonlinear Waves, [Existence of ground state in the massless semi-relativistic Pauli-Fierz model]
  19. 20180727, Montreal, ICMP, [Existence of ground state of massless relativistic Pauli-Fierz model]
  20. 20180703, Kyoto University, RIMS conference: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Fields and Related Topics, [Existence of ground state of the model of a massless charged particle interacting with the quantized radiation field]
  21. 20180126, Tokyo University of Science, Workshop on Analysis in Kagurazaka 2018, [準相対論的 Pauli-Fierz モデルの基底状態について--粒子が質量を持たない場合--]
  22. 20171206, Aarhus University, Math/Phys Seminar, [On the embedded eigenvalue of relativistic Schrödinger operator]
  23. 20170112, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Physical and mathematical approaches to interacting particle systems -In honer of 70th birthday of Herbert Spohn-, [Embedded Eigenvalues and Neumann-Wigner Potentials for Relativistic Schrödinger Operators]
  24. 20170518, University of Lorraine, Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics, [Embedded Eigenvalue and von Neumann-Wigner Potential for the Relativistic Schrödinger Operator]
  25. 20161010, Georgia Institute of Technology, Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics, [Embedded Eigenvalue and von Neumann-Wigner Potential for the Relativistic Schrödinger Operator](poster)
  26. 20160915, Loughborough University, Analysis Seminar, [Embedded Eigenvalues and Neumann-Wigner Potentials for Relativistic Schrödinger Operators]
  27. 20160323, Hokkaido University, Mathematical Physics Seminar, [相対論的シュレディンガー作用素の埋蔵固有値について]
  28. 20160303, EGRET HIMEJI 4F, Himeji Conference on Partial Differential Equations, [On the Embedded Eigenvalue of Relativistic Schrödinger Operator]
  29. 20160205, Ehime University, Matsuyama Analysis Seminar, [相対論的シュレディンガー作用素の埋蔵固有値の構成]