Computational examples of rational string operations on Gorenstein
spaces, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, 22(2015), 543-558.
(with Katsuhiko Kuribayashi and Luc Menichi),
Derived string topology and the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 209 (2015), 745-802.
(with Katsuhiko Kuribayashi and Luc Menichi),
Behavior of the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence in derived string topology,
Topology and its Applications,
164 (2014), 24-44.
A model for the Whitehead product in rational mapping spaces,
Mathematical Journal of Okayama University,
56 (2014), 75-89.
On moduli subspaces of central extensions of rational H-spaces,
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics,
66 (2012), no. 2, p.273-290.
On the mapping space homotopy groups and the free loop space homology groups,
Algebraic & Geometric Topology,
11 (2011), no. 4, 2369-2390.
A rational model of Sullivan's coproduct on the reduced loop homology,
(with Katsuhiko Kuribayashi and Luc Menichi),
Remarks on derived string topology,
in preparation.
String topology on rational Gorenstein spaces,