Modify commands in the amsthm.sty to give some \special


This style file is to add \sepcial command at \begin and \end of theorem emvironment. The \special commands let us/dviware know where each theorem starts/ends.

How to get started.

Down load the file referenceblockspectialforams.sty from HERE. Put it in the same folder as *.tex.

Use amsthm package and referenceblockspectialforams as \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{referenceblockspectialforams}

What happens if we use referenceblockspectialforams.

The style file modifies commands so-called theorem emvironments defined by the command newtheorem provided by amsthm.

For each theorem emvironment, e.g, thm, the special command with

is putted in the dvi file before \begin{thm}. Also the special command with
is putted after \end{thm}. Hence the dviware can understand the referenced part.

What is the purpose of this style file.

If we compile a tex source with this style file, then the dvi file has information of `blocks' of theorems, and a dviware can get this information. So we can implement something like popup-window of cross referenced statements for `\ref' (to dviwares). I wish someone implements such features to some dviware.

This style file is a just mockup.
